
East Brother Beer Co's Russian Imperial Stout: A Timeless Tale of Taste

In the world of craft beer, few styles boast a story as rich and intriguing as the Russian Imperial Stout. Born in 18th-century England, this robust brew was designed to endure the long journey to Russia. Its creation is attributed to London's Anchor Brewery under Henry Thrale, who ingeniously increased its alcohol content and bitterness to prevent spoilage en route to the Russian court​​.

A Stout That Conquered an Empire

Although Peter the Great's visit to London in 1698 sparked Russian interest in British beer, it was Catherine the Great's patronage that cemented the Russian Imperial Stout's legacy.  It wasn't just another beer; it was a brew that crossed borders and survived voyages, becoming a symbol of resilience and flavor. 

The Anchor Brewery's creation wasn't initially dubbed 'Russian Imperial Stout'; that name emerged much later. In fact, the term 'Imperial' was used generally for stronger beers since the early 18th Century. The full phrase 'Russian Imperial Stout' only gained prominence in the 1970s, long after it had captured the hearts of Russian royalty​​. Despite its ties to Russia, the style was uniquely British, with Russian and Baltic brewers unable to replicate it due to differences in water profiles​.

The Russian Imperial Stout's journey through time is as complex as its flavor profile. By World War I, this stout had nearly vanished from its birthplace, with only a few Baltic and Scandinavian breweries keeping the flame alive. The original Russian Imperial Stout saw its production in the UK cease in 1993, marking the end of an era​​.

Resurgence in the American Craft Beer Scene

However, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the Russian Imperial Stout found a new home and renewed fame in the American craft beer scene of the 1980s. U.S. breweries, known for their penchant for reinvention and experimentation, embraced this historic style. They infused it with a distinctly American bravado, leading to a plethora of variations. From Imperial Milk Stouts to Coffee Stouts, American brewers played with the recipe, introducing bold, innovative twists that redefined the style​​.

At East Brother Beer Co, our Russian Imperial Stout stands as a testament to this storied past. As part of our Freighter Series, it represents our commitment to crafting beers that not only echo the boldness of the freighter ships but also resonate with the rich heritage of brewing. Our seasonal Ale is more than just a beverage; it's a journey through brewing history. We've taken a classic, revered style and infused it with our passion for quality and innovation. The result? A stout that's not just a drink but a narrative of resilience, a celebration of craft, and a homage to the art of brewing.

In every sip of East Brother Beer Co's Russian Imperial Stout, you taste centuries of history, a legacy of innovation, and a commitment to excellence. Here's to a beer that's as deep and enduring as the history it carries. Cheers to a stout that's not just made, but crafted with a story to tell.